22 January 2006

THE OHHHHHH-I-SEEEEEEEE (OC) Spoilers to be Spoilt!

There’s something about Ryan Donowho aka Johnny Harper manboy in love with Marissa Cooper. It may be his “perfect bone structure” or the fact that his side fringe is slightly better than mine. Jury is still out on that one...

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Yes I’m sad Marissa. Isn’t my puppy dog eyes look freakin’ OBVIOUS!

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It took me almost nine episodes to realise that you’re never going to love me. But that’s okay coz mini-cooper thinks I’m haaaawwwwwwwwwt.

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Okay I know you’re only 14 and in real life I’m 24. But I’m feeling a connection…

And we’re just going to have to wait till the next bittorrent episode to see how that connection pans out. I do know that I have watched too much O.C. especially when I dreamt I was in an episode the other night.

I keep having these repeat migraine onslaughts which I get from work. It makes me feel nauseated and I lose my appetite/feel like a brick is slamming against my skull. Slight exaggeration there but sleeping it off seems to have a good effect. Somehow three hour shifts aren’t really worth it if all I get is a migraine and my pay slip is four weeks late and may never appear.

It’s back to the office tomorrow. Otherwise known as the other O.C. - Oestrogen Central.


18 January 2006

Ooh to be an unpaid labourer!

I have spent the last two days interning which is an art I am slowly perfecting. Say yes to everything and anything they ask you to do. Try not to be annoying. Act enthusiastic even when they send you out to some random photo shoot with children and rabbits and you have to hold one of those anti-glare white screens and its 31 degrees outside.

Everything has to be put into perspective really because everything is an “opportunity”. Everything is a “foot in the door” of a career in journalism.

Actually its more of an excuse for them to get you do things that normally some other poor person would be doing. I had low expectations when I started at this mag which was probably a good thing. This way I can get excited when I get an article or at least something publishable to write. So far I haven’t written anything. Just phoned around, “sub-edited” and wrote a synopsis.

It would probably be different at a bigger magazine of course. They would have more staff, (read more oestrogen pumping around the office) and perhaps more telesales girls wearing miniskirts and boobtubes. Maybe they would have clothes and accessories too because so far I haven’t seen any.

I miss having cabcharges.

Just a thought.

I can't believe the Premier resigned...I'm glad he was brave enough to step down it takes a lot of courage to do that. But now I'm not sure about the other would-be-next-Premier contenders...I don't think that they can replace the untiring optimism of Dr Gallop. The Liberal vultures are lurking...


12 January 2006

Cute Ruski Pic #1

Ruski received a letter in the mail today. It was actually addressed to Ruski, which is his new vet centre's attempt to be cute. His old vet clinic closed down while the Doc decided to do further study into equine breeding, as you do. Ruski's letter was a reminder about a six month check up but Ruski's only ever had 12 month check ups along with his yearly vaccination. I think the letter, with its magnet on the back and the way it was written from a cat's point of view was really just trying to suck me for more money.

Honestly, Ruski doesn't even have Medicare.

I'm starting work experience next week at a women's fashion magazine. There's a poodle which wanders around the office and I was told to basically come down Monday morning and have a "mess around". I'm not sure if this is a good sign. Hopefully I'll learn something. Even if I don't (doubtful) at least I'll be out of the house and attempting to be productive.

On the bright side the lady whom I met enjoyed looking through my portfolio (basically everything I had published last year) and chuckling at lines I don't even remember writing.

That's the thing about words, you never remember them once they've left your fingerlips.

10 January 2006

Honey and the Moon - Listening, Watching, Reading

LISTENING: My new favourite song is Honey and the Moon by Joseph Arthur. It’s one of the songs from the OC soundtrack mix 1 CD. The only problem with having a favourite song is that you can listen to it over and over and not get sick of it. But then you might not have listened to it enough to even recall the lyrics. Right now all I can remember is something like: Right now everything is falling down/ and right now all I want to do is/ take you to the shore

The real lyrics go: But right now
Everything you want is wrong,
And right now
All your dreams are waking up,
And right now
I wish that I could follow you
To the shores
Of freedom
Where no one lives

WATCHING: I watched Russian Dolls yesterday and it was a pretty good movie. It had the touch of Euro-weird-comedy in it which I really found amusing. I liked the view the movie had on life and relationships especially the last line where the main character (while typing out his memoirs on an iBook - does this sound familiar) compares his girlfriends to babushkas. You just have to keep on opening the dolls, embarking on new relationships and not know if the current ‘doll’ is going to be the final doll or rather The One. Its all part of the journey I suppose.
My favourite parts of the film were:
- when Xavier and his lesbian friend pretend to be engaged so that he can introduce a ‘fiance’ to his grandfather, meanwhile she starts ranting about the economy and how important it is to know how the markets are doing.
- the massive Kookai store. I knew Kookai was a French chain but actually seen a huge Kookai store in Paris made me start laughing. Then Xavier hooks up with the Kookai chick after buying a dress for his ex girlfriend
- the part when a girl Xavier used to be in love with is running down the street buck naked and he goes running after her naked as well. Its too random.

The actor who plays Xavier is kind of cute. He has the whole I-have-a-hot-French-accent thing going for him and he’s dark and handsome. Even though in some parts of the movie he engages in prick behaviour.

I hunted down the prequel to this movie, the Spanish Apartment and am fighting the urge to watch it straight away...

READING: I am currently reading Behind the Moon by Hsu-Ming Teo. It explores the relationship between three misfit-type characters growing up in multicultural Australia and how their families coincide. I love how the author hits the Singlish right on the head, I love the character Annabelle who has an obsession about keeping toilets clean, its hilarious! But the characters all have a darker side to them, and they're repressed and lonely. (In case one's thinking this is a comedic novel). I also want to read her first novel but will need to go to the library for that one.


08 January 2006

Work and no play

“My rapid pellet expansioner is killing me.” Seth Cohen

I love that line from the Christmahkahbarmitzmakah (I don’t know how that’s spelt) O.C. episode. I laugh out loud even though its kind of sad that I’m relating to Seth because we both shared the same orthodontic treatment when we were twelve. Oy.

I have worked in the sauna known as work for the past four days. After the coldest December on record in a hundred or so years summer decided to kick in. I love summer, I like the heat, I like falling asleep to air-conditioning even though its probably bad for my eczema-afflicted skin. But being stuck all day in a shop without air conditioning for eleven bucks an hour is not amusing.

Not only that but I was meant to be going part-time at the clothing store that I work at next week. I thought part-time meant that you get a minimum amount of hours. Unfortunately I can’t recall this being on the sheet that I signed. I have ONE SHIFT next week. On a Sunday so yes I get double time. But another girl whom I’ve never met is working at the store next week and has hours that used to look like mine. I’m not desperate for the money, it’s the theoretical side of the issue that’s bugging me. If I have only one shift the next week I will have to complain.

Why does part-time work over summer have to be so complicated?

At the moment I am feeling restless. I feel like most of my friends are off doing their own summer thing and meanwhile I am not quite sure what my summer thing is. I am looking for more work experience but haven’t heard back from my first inquiry. I have watched too many episodes of Sex and the City. My mind needs to be challenged.

I wrapped my right foot in plastic last night. My doctor said that it would help the cortisone cream he prescribed for my eczema to soak into the skin. It worked pretty well but I think I will let my foot breathe for now.


05 January 2006

Welcome to New is the Same Old

Welcome to the Same Old.

After having two other blogs I decided it was time to move ship again and have found myself a new home. I’d like to try to be more consistent in my blogging and try to avoid too many of the personal entries which seemingly ramble on about nothing. (Note this is not a news years resolution) But then again I always start new blogs with that intention and contradict myself.

Hence my new title – New is the Same Old. Really we kid ourselves when we think everything is different in our lives. While some things may be new, new as in novity which means newness; innovation according to Phronistery.info (which has a great inventory of rare words perfect for pretending one has a large vocabulary), other things may be simply hiding in new packages.

Like a new blog.

Living in the hope that perhaps some newness is original I have bought an iBook. OK actually I just bought the iBook because I like the look of it and I want in on the Mac crowd. Although if I get angry at my Mac I do not intend on throwing it on the floor like Marissa Cooper trying to write her college application.

I have discovered the old in the new in WIDGETS!

Little programs which are cute, user-friendly and…addictive like BLOBBIT.
My new time-waster! I haven’t managed past 12900 yet but I intend on rescuing more little blobs and saving the world from alien warfare.

One blob at a time.