08 January 2006

Work and no play

“My rapid pellet expansioner is killing me.” Seth Cohen

I love that line from the Christmahkahbarmitzmakah (I don’t know how that’s spelt) O.C. episode. I laugh out loud even though its kind of sad that I’m relating to Seth because we both shared the same orthodontic treatment when we were twelve. Oy.

I have worked in the sauna known as work for the past four days. After the coldest December on record in a hundred or so years summer decided to kick in. I love summer, I like the heat, I like falling asleep to air-conditioning even though its probably bad for my eczema-afflicted skin. But being stuck all day in a shop without air conditioning for eleven bucks an hour is not amusing.

Not only that but I was meant to be going part-time at the clothing store that I work at next week. I thought part-time meant that you get a minimum amount of hours. Unfortunately I can’t recall this being on the sheet that I signed. I have ONE SHIFT next week. On a Sunday so yes I get double time. But another girl whom I’ve never met is working at the store next week and has hours that used to look like mine. I’m not desperate for the money, it’s the theoretical side of the issue that’s bugging me. If I have only one shift the next week I will have to complain.

Why does part-time work over summer have to be so complicated?

At the moment I am feeling restless. I feel like most of my friends are off doing their own summer thing and meanwhile I am not quite sure what my summer thing is. I am looking for more work experience but haven’t heard back from my first inquiry. I have watched too many episodes of Sex and the City. My mind needs to be challenged.

I wrapped my right foot in plastic last night. My doctor said that it would help the cortisone cream he prescribed for my eczema to soak into the skin. It worked pretty well but I think I will let my foot breathe for now.



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