01 January 2008

hello 2008, i'm a grown up

I feel a bit sad for some reason and perhaps it's because I know I've entered the realm of adulthood. My childhood seems foreign now. I can't for the life of me remember what I liked as an 8-year-old - Polly Pocket, Saturday Disney, ballet but in what order? I'm trying to avoid Peter Pan syndrome.

Shifting into adult life means you have freedom but at what price? Going through the motions of the beginnings of a career. Holding onto friendships when you're not really sure what it is you have in common anymore. Picking through relationships. At what stage can you let go and not feel resentment or obligation?

This year I'm looking for that something more that you hope to find, that little bit extra which reminds you - this, this is what life is all about.


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