01 May 2006

The End of Retail?

I quit my job on the weekend since the store I worked at closed down but I might actually miss it. Out of all the part-time jobs I’ve had, and yes I’ve had a lot, it’s probably been the best. I got a good discount on clothes, I became good friends with my work mates and I got to work in the city. I enjoyed working in the city, it’s more fun than at a shopping centre. There’s a lot more interesting characters around, less customers asking if they can have a discount on sale items and a lot more places to visit on a lunch break. It was actually fun to work on a Friday night, seeing people roam the malls and hanging out at the nearby pubs. Things I won’t miss? Working unpaid overtime, cleaning, doing the rack and being asked the same questions by customers twenty times a shift.

Murphy’s Law also states that if a customer wants something off a mannequin it’s highly unlikely that they’ll actually purchase it. I don’t think I’ll ever buy anything that’s been on a mannequin. Anyway this job may be the last retail job I’ll have had before getting a full-time job. Maybe. It depends on how desperate for money I get, if it takes me forever to get a full-time job and if I really want to go on that contiki tour.

But some highlights from the job:

Getting some super nice customers who genuinely thank you for helping them. I spent five minutes on the phone once with a customer who asked me to search for a matching jacket and pants suit and she actually asked my name at the end to thank me.

Sunday afternoons, double-pay and little work to be done.

The super cute boys who worked next door.

Eating the $6 salad combo that my mum would buy for me on Fridays. It’s lame I know but when will I ever get to eat those gourmet salads again?

2IC Jen playing her anti-RnB music, John Butler, Sarah Blasko and a CD called She Will Have Her Way Songs of Tim and Neil Finn, covers sung by various female artists which I am now addicted to.

Getting called O.C. girl every time my mobile went off and getting teased about my phone sock. Actually everyone teases me about my phone sock. What’s with that?

Dressing mannequins. Apparently I have a knack for it.

Getting visits by my friends at work. That always shortens the work day.

Having a random joke stuck in my head all day, sometimes that’s the only thing that keeps you going. “Oi! I think I woke my cat up…” LOL, you only wish you knew what that one meant.

Next job – editing! Ooooh.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey chicken! hope you got my email. catch you on monday! luv bali

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

contiki tour?
where are you going?
Can i come? =P
it's Sue-Anne btw

9:48 AM  

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