23 June 2006

Roos, Whales and Books.

A strange social phenomena exists in Australia known as…the sport that people suddenly love. AFL and cricket are mainstayers but every so often other sports have a surge in popularity. The sport that I am referring to is soccer and while Australia has never been a country known for its soccer skills suddenly it appears that we’ve made the finals in the World Cup.
Amazing, considering we have such a hybrid team of players and such an oscillating support base. But the past is behind us and even if we get booted out in the next game we can always say, remember back in 2006 when the Socceroos made the finals and there were a lot of drunk Aussies running around Germany? What a year, what a year.

Tim Cahill is hawt tho.

I may be writing a piece on Japan, the IWC and the blubbericious whales. I’ve noticed a couple of things about the IWC. Sometimes it’s a bit like the UN Security Council, in other words the countries involved don’t like getting pushed around and often have their “international reputation” to uphold. Other times it’s a little more corrupt, a bit like paying your way into an exclusive club. Like all good international organizations, everyone gets a vote and there are plenty of moratoriums. Only the whales don’t get to vote of course.


- Chai is the new latte. I’ve discovered that Twinings have really good chai teabags. I think I’ve drunk about ten Chais in ten days. The Jarrah Chai is a bit too sweet though. I think I need to stop having powdered tea drinks. They’re unnatural for a reason.
- May be getting Gucci bag for 21st. Love my Mum. Maybe could get matching purse…
- Was reading in the living room today when Ruski barked at me from outside. He had spotted me through the window. “Hey you!” Tried new Ruski experiment where he stays out in the front garden off his leash. Didn’t try to run away. Might be able to convert Ruski into a non-leash wearing dog-walking dog. Like a real dog.
- Discovered new marketing trick. Special discounts and vouchers appear/start on a Friday. Have 20% all books in Dymocks this weekend and got a 30% Borders voucher from today’s paper. Will finally get Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore. Also the top in Witchery I bought yday on sale was further reduced today as 20% on all sale items began. Damn skippy.
- Finished reading Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason. Was vg.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously think that the Japanese are getting way too cheeky for my liking. I mean how dare they say that we - Australia share our commodities - whales. I don't mind sharing but they dont have any whales left. And WHY don't they????? Because they are slaughtering theirs to near extinction. Seriously!!!! 'roll eyes'. They think our government is stupid. They aren't - they are just...incompetent sometimes or they pretend to be so. I mean as a government i think i would want ot know what the major wheat xport companies are doing and not knowing - well, that is very foolhardy indeed.
But back to whaling... i wonder what it tastes like....

1:29 PM  

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